Frida Larios Frida Larios Frida Larios Frida Larios Frida Larios

NEW, 3rd EDITION: The Community Buried by an Erupting Volcano

This book is special because it is narrated in three languages: Spanish (in green), English (in magenta), and as a bridge between the two, the evolving pictorial language, which I call “New Maya Language”. As you begin to read you will notice that some words are underlined and point to logograms. As the story progresses, the logograms begin to replace words. These logograms are my original visual representations of words and concepts, a reimagination of the images created by Mayan scribes of the classical period (300 - 900 A.D.): a contemporary interpretation of Maya classical language.

In this 3rd edition I have included a glossary in five languages, two of which are in danger of extinction: Nawat-pipil and Maya-ch’orti’. The place of excavation described in this book, is located in western El Salvador on the southern frontier of what was the Mayan empire. Today, three native communities the Pipil, the Lenca and the Cacawires call it home. These peoples, though distantly related to the Mayan people, are the inheritors of the Mayan cultural heritage preserved in the ruins of this ancestral place.

Larios is Co-former of the international Indigenous Design Circle, and Visual Literacy, (Adjunct) Professor at the University of the District of Columbia and American University in Washington, DC. Proceeds of the book go to three organizations: Antiguo Cuscatlán Verde and Iniciativa Portadores del Náhuat advocacy and community efforts, for sales in El Salvador. And to Frida Larios' workshops and independent research efforts, for sales in the US.

"Thank you to our Iniciativa Portadores del Náhuat leader, Tajta Alex Tapas Lepa, for his immense Nawat-pipil wisdom that he shares with generosity; to Timoteo Valdez y Guillermina Valdez of Central de Organizaciones Indígenas Campesinas Ch’orti’ Nuevo Día, for their pluridiverse contribution from within the Ch’orti’ cosmovision; to my friend, Jennifer Casolo, PhD, for being a vital link and ally with the Maya-ch’orti’ Nation; to my friend and teacher, Amy West, for her collaboration in the book’s creative edition; and a very special thank you to Boquitas Diana for its invaluable and consistent support in making this publication possible for the children of El Salvador and Central America.

Dedicated to our active Pipil, Ch’orti’, Lenca and Cacawires’ communities of El Salvador and Central America; and to my great grandfather Alejandro Martínez, who was a proud founder and leader of his traditional marimba group Aires de mi Tierra (Winds of my Earth) in San Marcos, El Salvador."

Order The Village that was Buried by an Erupting Volcano book from our Shopify Shop , now. Or buy in person at: Harvard-Dumbarton Oaks Museum, American University Museum, Fair Days Play, Museo del Barrio, New York, Teaching For Change, Museo de Arte de El Salvador, or Librería SOPHOS, Guatemala.

Photographs 2014 © Claudia Herrera.
Designs 2021 © Frida Larios. All rights reserved.